Non-Equilibrium Mechanics Laboratory
Variational Onsager Neural Networks (VONNs): A thermodynamics-based variational learning strategy for non-equilibrium PDEs
S. Huang, Z. He, Bryan Chem, and C. Reina
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 163 (2022): 104856. [web][bibtex]
Predicting the unobserved: a statistical mechanics framework for non-equilibrium material response with quantified uncertainty
S. Huang, I. R. Graham, R. A. Riggleman, P. Arratia, S. Fitzgerald, and C. Reina
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2022): 104779. [web][bibtex]
Relationships among structure, memory, and flow in sheared disordered materials
K. Galloway, E. Teich, X. Ma, C. Kammer, I. Graham, N. Keim, C. Reina, D. Jerolmak, A. Yodh, P. Arratia
Nature Physics, (2022): Accepted for publication. [web]
Emergence of viscosity and dissipation via stochastic bonds
T. Leadbetter, A. Seiphoori, C. Reina and P. K. Purohit
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2022): 104660. [web][bibtex]
Second-order fast-slow dynamics of non-ergodic Hamiltonian systems: Thermodynamic interpretation and simulation
M. Klar, K. Matthies, C. Reina and J. Zimmer
Physica D, (2021): 428, 133036. [web][bibtex]
Dynamic behavior of soft resonant metamaterials: experiments and simulations
B. Chem, Y. Jiang, C. Liu, J. R. Raney and C. Reina
Journal of Applied Physics, (2021): 129, 135104. [web][bibtex]
Harnessing fluctuation theorems to discover free energy and dissipation potentials from non-equilibrium data
S. Huang, C. Sun, P. K. Purohit and C. Reina
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2021): 104323. [web][bibtex]
From Particle Fluctuations to Macroscopic Evolution Equations: The Case of Exclusion Dynamics
YS. Huang, S. Aguado-Montero, N. Dirr, J. Zimmer and C. Reina
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2782 (2020): 140-152. [web][bibtex]
Hydrodynamic and Frictional Modulation of Deformations in Switchable Colloidal Crystallites
Y. K. Lee, X. Li, P. Perdikaris, J. C. Crocker, C. Reina and T. Sinno
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 127-23 (2020): 12700-12706. [web][bibtex]
Recent advances in the modeling and simulation of the mechanics of nanoscale materials
C. Reina and A. Kumar
Workshop report (2020). [pdf][conference website]
Harnessing fluctuations to discover dissipative evolution equations
X. Li, N. Dirr, P. Embacher, J. Zimmer and C. Reina
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 131 (2019): 240-251. [web][bibtex]
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Simultaneous spatial and temporal coarse-graining: form atomistic models to continuum elastodynamics
X. Li and C. Reina.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 130 (2019): 118-140. [web][bibtex]
Dynamic Homogenization of Resonant Elastic Metamaterials with Space/Time Modulation
C. Liu and C. Reina
Computational Mechanics, 64 (2019): 147-161. [web][bibtex]
Kinematics of elasto-plasticity: validity and limits of applicability of F = FeFp for general three-dimensional deformations
C. Reina, L. F. Djodomc, M. Ortiz and S. Conti
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 121 (2018): 99-113. [web][bibtex]
Computing diffusivities from particle models out of equilibrium
P. Embacher, N. Dirr, J. Zimmer and C. Reina
Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 474 (2018): 20170694. [web][bibtex][codes]
Broadband Locally Resonant Metamaterials with Graded Hierarchical Architecture
C. Liu and C. Reina
Journal of Applied Physics, 123 (2018): 095108. [web][bibtex]
Incompressible inelasticity as an essential ingredient for the validity of the kinematic
decomposition F = FeFi
C. Reina and S. Conti
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 107 (2017): 322-342. [web][bibtex]
Variational coarse-graining procedure for dynamic homogenization
C. Liu and C. Reina
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 104 (2017): 187-206. [web][bibtex]
Discrete averaging relations for micro to macro transition
C. Liu and C. Reina
Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83-8 (2016): 081006. [web] [bibtex]
Derivation of F = FeFp as the continuum limit of crystalline slip
C. Reina, A. Schlömerkemper and S. Conti
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 89 (2016): 231-254. [web][bibtex]
Formation of Nanotwin Networks during High-Temperature Crystallization of Amorphous Germanium
L. Sandoval, C. Reina and J. Marian
Scientific Reports, 5 (2015): 17251. [web][bibtex]
Entropy production and the geometry of dissipative evolution equations
C. Reina and J. Zimmer
Physical Review E, 92 (2015): 052117. [web][bibtex]
Mesoscale computational study of the nano-crystallization of amorphous Ge via a self-consistent atomistic - phase field model
C. Reina, L. Sandoval and J. Marian
Acta Materialia, 77 (2014): 335-351. [web][bibtex]
Slip-induced conservation laws for dislocation structures in the finite kinematic framework
C. Reina and J. Marian
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 69 (2014):123-131. [web][bibtex]
Kinematic description of crystal plasticity in the finite kinematic framework: a micromechanical understanding of F = FeFp
C. Reina and S. Conti
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 67 (2014): 40-61. [web][bibtex]
A micromechanical model of distributed damage due to void growth in general materials and under general deformation histories
C. Reina, B. Li, K. Weinberg and M. Ortiz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 93 (2013): 575-611. [web][bibtex]
Nanovoid nucleation by vacancy aggregation and vacancy-cluster coarsening in high-purity metallic single crystals
C. Reina, J. Marian and M. Ortiz
Physical Review B, 84 (2011): 104117. [web][bibtex]